Nov 15, 2007

My views on Buddhism - weblog

My views on Buddhism - weblog.

These are just my ramblings of the things I find amusing, and sometimes annoying from posts and forums that I read online. I don't claim to have authority in Buddhism or anything like that. I just find some people's opinions on Buddhism - fascinating, some boring, some shocking, and some just plain wrong! Well, in my opinion, it's wrong anyway. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you're entitled to mine. hahah.

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about me - and the disclaimer ...

((My views on Buddhism)). I'm just a practicing Buddhist - that's what I hope I am, anyway. I'm not a expert nor a scholar on Buddhism, neither am I a 'pious' Buddhist, but I try my best in following the Buddha's teachings. Well, no matter how far-off Buddhism has been 'interpreted' or 'misinterpreted' by people, I guess we just have to try our best in practicing Buddhism with loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic- joy and with equanimity.